MOMENTOUS: “of great importance or significance, especially in having a bearing on future events”

9th November , 1997, 5:23am

The moment in my life that my little world became perfect.  That single most point in time when life affirming joy was , quite literally, handed to me.

The moment my first and my only son was handed to me, wrapped in a crisp white hospital blanket, and for the first time I looked into his eyes and our souls entwined forever.

Nothing prepares you for the heart swelling joy of that single most uplifting moment.  The infinite expanse of love and wellbeing; pride and responsibility; growth and achievement.  The single most, perfect moment

All sounds a bit OTT and gushy if you’ve never been there – I bet most of the women out there with kids will recognise it.

There are so many moments in my life that my heart has swelled with joy, happiness and pride, it’s a wonder it hasn’t burst from my chest.

Today is another one.  18 years old.  I look at him and I smile, and my heart swells a little more and I think “I did good”…….

They say its your Birthday

i was trying to remember how i selected his first outfit and dressing him in it - but i can't - i do however,notice its cars...
I was trying to remember how I selected his first outfit and dressing him in it – but I can’t – I do however,notice it’s cars…
Having a pint with his dad
Having a pint with his dad


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